About Karen Danielson

​Karen was born in Connecticut, moving to California with her mother at the age of 2. She was raised by both parents through high school, lending both an Atlantic and Pacific eye to view the world and its contents. Taking Art Classes formally in high school, it quickly became a necessary outlet to navigate through tumultuous teens. A natural artistic ability was recognized and fostered by her Art teacher in 12th Grade, Mrs. Grimaldi, which was a welcomed gift. Art took aback seat as Karen’s gypsy spirit led her to travel the US, learning about life and searching for home, living in six different states. It wasn’t until calling North Carolina home in 1999, that the necessity to create art again bubbled to the surface.
Following a clear path of her heart, Karen studied Fine Art at The University of North Carolina at Asheville in 2002. Being grounded in this decision and the love of her studies, Karen fondly remembered her senior year in high school. Wanting to go one step further, Karen wanted to emulate her teacher, and completed.the certification for K-12 Art Education License at UNCA in 2006.. Karen is not teaching in the K-12 environment now, she is teaching at Haywood Community College in her free time, still sharing the gifts of creativity and loving it! Karen gathers the most creative inspiration these days flying the friendly skies….enjoy the work and check out Instagram where the most recent paintings are published.